Up in the Lemon Tree is an animated short created by a small team of artists to show off research technology. The above is just a short clip to demonstrate my contributions.


  • [0:00 - 0:08] Created five secondary child characters by using blendshapes and sculpting new secondary assets (i.e. hair, clothes, etc) given a base child character

  • [0:08 - 0:21] Animated 2D bird

  • [0:21 - 0:32] Worked with researchers to implement pipeline for rendering and compositing "sketchy" effect

  • [0:32 - 0:38] Designed, sculpted, and retopologized lemon fish

  • [0:38 - 0:42] Choreographed lemon fish flocking in far shot

Photoshop, Maya, Zbrush

Disney Research 2014

2D Animation Snippets